Anusha Dandekar
Anusha Dandekar Image Credit: Instagram

Popular VJ and actress Anusha Dandekar took to her social media to reveal that she recently underwent surgery to remove a lump in her ovary and is now on the road to recovery. She also urged women to prioritise their health by visiting their gynecologists regularly.

In an Instagram post, Dandekar wrote, "Just popping in to say hello… Quick story: went through a surgery for a lump in my ovary, the recovery has been pretty intense but also I'm really lucky all was okay… found a few more lumps while they were there, again super lucky everything is great now.”

Emphasising the significance of regular check-ups, she added, "Just wanted to tell all the girls that are here reading this, to make sure you visit your gynaecologist once a year without fail to stay ahead of your health and safety, I've been doing that since I was 17 and that's how I can be so grateful I'm recovering well today."

The actress expressed her gratitude for the successful surgery and the discovery of additional lumps. She thanked her gynecologist, Dr. Shweta Raje, and her team for providing a safe and comfortable environment during her treatment.

"Thank you for everyone that came to the hospital and called and messaged constantly, you know who you are, and I'm forever grateful to have you in my life ," Anusha wrote in her Instagram post.

Anusha Dandekar
Anusha Dandekar Image Credit: Instagram

While Dandekar acknowledges that there are still a few weeks of full recovery ahead, she shared her joy at being able to walk outside, saying, "Still have a few weeks of full recovery ahead of me but it felt so good to walk outside today! Grateful beyond.”

Her personal journey, lauded by her peers, will help in promoting awareness about the importance of regular gynecological check-ups.