Meat from grass-fed animals have more omega 3 fatty acids, lesser saturated fats.
Since they are free moving and naturally fed, the quality of amino acid profile is definitely of a higher quality providing as all nine essential amino acids.
Dense in vitamins and antioxidants like zinc and selenium. The quality of heme-iron and vitamin B12 is more biologically available to us helping treat anaemia more efficiently.
Fat content: Higher in saturated fats, cholesterol and trans fats. The omega 3 fatty acids amounts depends on the quality of animal feed. Carcinogenic compounds are easily formed on high temperature cooking due to its fatty acid ratio of saturated fats.
Protein quality: The myoglobin quality in the muscles of commercially reared animals are low due to poor mobility of this animals within their small environment. Meat produce from steroid fortified cattle feeds are of poor amino acid profile and higher percentage of saturated fats.
Vitamins and minerals: Due to crowding in cattle houses, there is poor exposure to sunlight and fresh air, which makes the meat from commercial houses low in vitamins and minerals. Fresh air, sunlight and free mobility is needed for good muscle and bone development.
Which cuts are lower in saturated fat?
Extra lean meat cuts:
Sirloin or steak
Eye of round roast
Top and bottom round roast
Organic chicken
Low in saturated fat, contains 38 per cent more Omega-3 fatty acids than regular chicken.
Amino acid protein quality is good as these chickens are grown in a wide space and more physically active.
Contain a better quality of micronutrients due to its free moving, natural feeding process and exposure to good sunlight.
Antibiotic resistance: Since farm chickens have more space to move around, there is less chance for an infectious outspread and less need for antibiotic administration. In 2010 study, it was seen than only 6 per cent of organic chickens were infected with salmonella compared to 39 per cent of regular chickens.
Higher in saturated fat due to its feed.
Growth can be induced by adding growth hormones to the feed and this can result in a low-protein meat quality.
Nutrient quality of meat depends on quality of feed. Most chickens are injected with preservatives to increase shelf life and boost flavour.
Chickens grown indoors in crowded shelters more prone to antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in need for higher grade antibiotics to prevent loss of livestock.
Is breast meat typically leaner than leg meat?
Chicken breast has more niacin and vitamin B 6 than chicken leg. The leg has more zinc than the breast portion. Chicken breast = 31g of protein per 100g (The chicken breast is the highest in protein and lowest in fat among all cuts of chicken.)
Chicken thigh = 26g of protein per 100g. The chicken breast is the highest in protein and lowest in fat among all cuts of chicken.