Still from police video on X showing a motorist moments before crashing into another car because of swerving in Abu Dhabi Image Credit: Screengrab/X

Abu Dhabi: The danger of swerving, sudden lane changes and wrong overtaking have been highlighted in a video of accidents released by Abu Dhabi Police on Friday.

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The 49-second clip on the force’s social media channels shows violators crashing into other vehicles. The post comes as part of the ‘#YourComment’ drive to engage drivers, seeking their responses to similar posts and providing road safety advice.

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The Directorate of Traffic and Security Patrols of Abu Dhabi Police called on motorists to avoid sudden lane changes, overtaking other vehicles incorrectly, urging them to ensure the road is clear before taking action.

5 road safety tips

1 . Avoid using an electronic device, eating and drinking, and focusing on other passengers in the vehicle

2 . Turn off the phone

3 . Keep calm and focused - eyes on the road

4 . Prepare for your trip, check your vehicle

5 . Identify distracted drivers and stay away from them