Abu Dhabi: The Ministry of Education has announced the final examination schedule for the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year, detailing a comprehensive plan for public and private school students across the UAE.
The exams, scheduled from November 27 to December 12, will assess students in Grades 3 through 12 following the Ministry’s curriculum, using both paper-based and electronic formats.
For instance, Grade 12 students will take the English exam entirely online, while younger students, such as those in Grades 3 and 4, will complete their exams using traditional paper-based methods.
For Grades 5 and 9, exams will be conducted in both paper and electronic formats, with students in public and private schools required to attend in person.
The Ministry emphasised that physical attendance is mandatory for all students from Grades 3 to 12, regardless of whether they attend public or private schools.
The Ministry also specified that students must bring their own laptops for examinations.
To facilitate younger students' experience with formal testing, the Ministry has made an exception for Grade 3 exams, allowing teachers to read questions aloud during central exams, albeit without providing any hints or assistance with answers.
To view full timetable please click on the following link: https://www.moe.gov.ae/En/ImportantLinks/Documents/Files%202024%20-2025/End%20of%20Term%201%20Exam%20Schedules%20for%20Grades%203-12.pdf