Dubai: Dubai Customs is running awareness and fun activities during Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS) 2022 as part of its campaign to educate the public on the dangers of counterfeit goods.
Events and activities running from July 14 until August 16 are focused on various themes, including Intellectual Property Rights, Customs' innovations such as its inspection submarine, K9 customs dogs, as well as talent shows at Modesh World.
Every year Dubai Customs is keen to actively participate in Modesh World to educate and raise awareness. Around 100 children took part in the latest workshops, where children learned about the vital role of Dubai Customs in protecting the security of sea, land and air borders from the entry of counterfeit goods and the perils they pose for people, the environment and the economy.
Dubai Customs also showcased its innovations, including the customs submarine, which is a unique underwater drone innovation that enables inspectors to obtain high-quality 3D images and videos of vessels’ hull, with the aim of detecting contraband and illegal imports.