Taxi drivers trained by Dubai police-1656068700399
Apart from the technical aspects of safe-driving, the taxi drivers also learned about the legal liabilities of violating traffic laws and the proper procedures to follow. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: About 50 taxi drivers recently underwent a traffic safety course conducted by Dubai Police to increase awareness on road safety.

According to Colonel Jumaa Bin Suwaidan, Acting Director of the Traffic Department at Dubai Police, the 50 taxi drivers from Dubai Taxi Corporation received training from the Traffic Institute Department, in cooperation with the International Centre for Security and Safety at Dubai Police Academy.

“Drivers were briefed on the significance of adhering to traffic safety rules to avoid accidents and reduce road fatalities,” said Col Bin Suwaidan.

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Drivers also learned about the legal liabilities of violating traffic laws and the proper procedures to follow.

Col Bin Suwaidan said that the awareness course discussed several topics, including vehicle safety procedures and regulations, overtaking on the hard shoulder, wrong parking, traffic signs and the importance of maintaining a safe distance between vehicles.