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Image Credit: Dubai Media Office

Sunny skies and warm weather ahead. Today, temperature highs in the country will be between 40 to 42°C, according to the Met Office.

According to the daily weather forecast by the National Center of Meteorology, "[The weather will be] sunny to partly cloudy especially westward and dusty at times during daytime."

The maximum temperatures in the internal regions of the country are expected to be between 37 and 42°C. Temperatures will reach highs of 35 to 41°C in the coastal areas and islands and 23 to 29°C over the mountains.

The highest temperature recorded on Sunday afternoon was 41.6°C in Sweihan (Al Ain).

Minimum temperature recorded was 13.4°C in Raknah, yesterday. Today's minimum temperature is expected to be 17°C, according to the weather bureau.

Relative humidity will be moderate, averaging around 40 to 50 per cent and reaching a maximum of 70 per cent.

A gradual increase in temperatures was seen last week along with rain in some parts of the country. However, this week, a slight dip in temperatures is expected on Tuesday and Wednesday, the NCM confirmed in a detailed weekly weather forecast.

Today, light to moderate winds at times over the sea, will cause dusty conditions in some areas.

Whereas, the sea will be "slight to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and slight in the Oman sea," the NCM said.