Drivers cutting in line to take exits will be caught by the AI-powered monitoring system Image Credit: X/@ADPoliceHQ

Abu Dhabi: New radars and cameras powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have been activated by Abu Dhabi Police to automatically detect violations at pedestrians crossings and road exits.

Abu Dhabi Police has begun activating the automatic control of the radar system at crossroads. The solar-powered ‘EXIT-I’ devices can catch motorists who don’t give pedestrians right of way at crossings.

They can also detect violations at intersections and crossroads by drivers who overtake in front of the intersection triangle, illegally overtake vehicles, obstruct traffic, and cut in line at exits.

Last-moment manoeuvres to take the exit will also be detected Image Credit: X/@ADPoliceHQ

Police said the aim of introducing these systems comes is alerting drivers about the importance of following traffic rules in order to preserve their safety and the safety of other road users, and reduce traffic accidents.