Oracle M.E. has launched its 'JobTrack' programme in Qatar as part of an initiative by the country's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture to increase IT skills among young nationals.

The 12-week programme, initially for a batch of 14 candidates, is aimed at transferring software development skills to new university graduates to prepare them to join the IT department of the ministry or other major IT-related initiatives in Qatar.

"Qatar is currently in the process of implementing a number of strategic e-government and IT upgrade projects, all of which require a highly skilled and sustainable IT workforce.

"The Oracle JobTrack programme provides a framework for creating a long-term pool of trained Qatari nationals to fully realise these public sector objectives," said Fadhel Hajes Al Kaabi, IT director for the ministry.

The curriculum will focus on both Java application software development and e-business applications deployment in large environments.

Qatari nationals participating in the programme can develop software skills through instructor-led training as well as CD and Internet-based learning sessions. Additionally, the programme will include a component on leadership and management skills.

"The ministry chose to partner with Oracle for this crucial project based on the company's customised training program, which is focused on preparing GCC nationals to lead major IT and software development projects.

"The ministry is determined to create new employment opportunities for Qatari nationals and contribute to the country's overall economic development by bringing the latest IT skills to the next generation of government leaders," added Al Kaabi.