Dubai: Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Hospital will mark World Hypertension Day on Saturday (May 17) with ‘Free Health Check-ups’ to encourage the public to undergo screenings for early diagnosis of hypertension.
“People suffering from high blood pressure are three times more likely to develop heart failure. Hypertension, the silent killer, is rampant but can easily be tackled with greater awareness and early intervention,” said Dr Mukesh Nathani, Senior Specialist, Cardiology, at RAK Hospital.
Unfortunately, Dr Nathani said, the condition goes undetected for years due to lack of visible symptoms.
“It is the largest risk factor for heart diseases, stroke and kidney diseases and the top cause of deaths related to cardiovascular disease. This chronic disease can be easily measured and successfully treated, yet nearly 70 per cent of people who have high blood pressure do not have it under control.”