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The UAE Ministry of Community Development organised a mass wedding for 50 young Emirati grooms in Abu Dhabi, sponsored by Al Masaood Group. Image Credit: Supplied

Abu Dhabi: Coinciding with the celebrations and initiatives of the Year of the 50th, the Ministry of Community Development (MOCD) organised a mass wedding for 50 young Emirati grooms, sponsored by Al Masaood Group.

The mass wedding was held at Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of Nasser Ismail, Assistant Undersecretary of Social Welfare Affairs at the MOCD; Masaood Ahmed Al Masaood, the chairman of Al Masaood Group Board of Directors; Ahmed Rahma Al Masaood, vice-chairman of Al Masaood Group Board of Directors; Ahmed Salmeen, chief executive of Government Affairs of Al Masaood Group; and other officials and relatives of the grooms.

This mass wedding comes within the framework of the ministry’s vision to embody social responsibility and consolidate effective community partnership with all parties, especially the private sector, in order to support the organisation of mass weddings for young people who want to get married. This is also aimed at encouraging the marriage of Emirati men to Emirati women, which is also one of the important objectives emphasised by mass weddings.

Keenness to strengthen community partnership

Ismail congratulated the young people participating in the mass wedding, wishing them happiness and success in forming new families, taking care of them and protecting their family members. He valued Al Masaood Group’s initiative to organise this mass wedding, its keenness to strengthen community partnership and its active role in promoting social development in the UAE and preserving the stability of the Emirati family by sponsoring this mass wedding.

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The mass wedding was held at Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi. Image Credit: Supplied

He said that the Ministry of Community Development was keen to organise more mass weddings annually all over the country, in a manner that embodies the values of solidarity and the principles established by the Late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and supports the vision of the leadership and the government to ensure a stable family life and a cohesive society.

Al Masaood said: “We are honoured to be in the lead to support this mass wedding for 50 Emirati men and women in Abu Dhabi. This type of mass weddings support the process of building a country that has been at the forefront among all nations.” He said that organising the mass wedding was in line with the country’s approach to reduce the burdens of marriage on our youth who remain loyal to Emirati traditions.

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This mass wedding comes within the framework of the ministry’s vision to embody social responsibility and consolidate effective community partnership with all parties. Image Credit: Supplied

‘Celebrating marriage away from extravagance’

He further said that this type of weddings embody the spirit of solidarity, unity and brotherhood. He urged Emiratis to “celebrate the essence of marriage away from extravagance and waste, in a friendly and convivial atmosphere”.

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Salmeen affirmed the support of Al Masaood Group to organise the mass wedding, which reflects the UAE’s commitment to community partnership and national responsibility in order to promote the idea of mass weddings, given the importance of its role in reducing the financial costs incurred by young people at the beginning of their married life. He added that the contribution to support mass weddings reflects the principles of cooperation and tolerance in the society, and enhances loyalty and belonging to the country.

The Ministry of Community Development is keen to hold, annually, mass weddings all over the UAE.