Moving out
The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) on Tuesday announces to approve the first batch of federal government employees who will benefit from one-year Entrepreneurship paid Leave to start their own businesses. Photo for illustrative purpose only Image Credit: Shutterstock

Abu Dhabi: The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) has approved the first batch of federal government employees who will benefit from one-year Entrepreneurship Leave for self-employment.

The employees were selected based on strict criteria including service tenure, performance evaluation, and the potential of their business ideas.

This initiative, which is part of the Initiatives of the Next 50, aims to enhance the competitiveness of the UAE National workforce by encouraging them to venture into the private sector.

Through this leave, federal employees are encouraged to invest in available job opportunities and establish and manage their own businesses that can add value to the national economy.


Eligibility for the Entrepreneurship Leave extends to all national and civil employees working in federal entities, except for employees of federal government-owned companies, temporary contract workers, and part-time employees.

To qualify for the Entrepreneurship Leave, an employee must meet certain conditions, including having a service period of no less than five years in the federal or local government, a performance evaluation level of not less than 2 or its equivalent in their respective entity, and providing proof of having performed national service.

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50 per cent salary

Financially, employees on this leave will receive 50 per cent of their total monthly salary, excluding bonuses and allowances related to the job. Additionally, the duration of the Entrepreneurship Leave will be calculated within the years of actual service, and the employee will continue to participate in the retirement fund.

The Entrepreneurship Leave also caters to various kinds of businesses including online business projects and individual start-ups with modest capabilities and costs. It also encompasses projects that represent a branch of a company located outside the country. However, in all cases, the employee must have the necessary licenses to practice the activity or be in the process of registering and obtaining a license.