Dubai: A US marine officer is standing trial for gashing his wrist and swallowing tablets in an attempt to kill himself after his wife told his commanders that he allegedly had sex with his daughter since she was 11.

Dubai prosecutors accused the 40-year-old American marine officer with attempted suicide and consuming liquor after housekeepers found him unconscious in the bathtub of Dubai International Airport Hotel.

Prosecution records showed that the suspect, A.A., was referred to the Dubai Misdemeanours Court and failed to appear in court on Tuesday and yesterday, sources close to the case told Gulf News.

According to the charges sheet, the suspect cut his wrist with a piece of broken glass and swallowed medical pills.

When questioned by prosecutor Sultan Saif, the defendant claimed that he was in Dubai when he came to know through his friend about the reason why his commanders summoned him to the US.

He was cited as having claimed that his daughter broke the news to his wife, who reported the matter to A.A.'s superiors.


The marine officer claimed in his prosecution statement that when his commanders did not inform him why they summoned him, he phoned his friend and told him the truth about what happened.

He claimed, during primary interrogations, that he decided to end his life because he would not be able to face up the shame and embarrassment back home.

Records show that he went to the nearest pharmacy at the airport and purchased tablets used by heart patients. He then went to his room where, according to prosecution records, he consumed alcohol, swallowed the tablets and used a broken piece of glass to slit his wrist.

Police records show that housekeepers found the defendant knocked unconscious in the bathtub. Paramedics and an ambulance rushed to the scene and A.A. was taken to Rashid Hospital for treatment.

The suspect was supposed to be heading from Oman to the United States via Dubai when the incident happened.

It is believed that the wife allegedly told A.A.'s commanders that he started having sex with his now 19-year-old since she was 11.

The trial continues.