Stock Dubai skyline
Dubai skyline Image Credit: Antonin Kelian Kallouche/Gulf News

Dubai: Extremely hot weather is expected across most parts of the UAE today. According to the National Center of Meteorology, the maximum temperatures in the country have been hitting close to 50°C for the past three days.

The NCM, in its daily weather forecast, said: "The weather will be rather hot during daytime."

However, Al Ain and Fujairah are expected to see convective clouds, which are formed due to high surface temperatures on land causing warm humid air to rise through cooler surrounding air in the atmosphere.

It might also rain in these areas. According to the NCM: "Fair to partly cloudy and some low clouds appear by morning over the East coast, with a chance of some convective clouds formation Eastward by afternoon maybe rainy."

The maximum temperature in the country will cross 49°C again today. In the coastal areas including Dubai and Sharjah, temperature highs will be between 40-44°C. The maximum temperature in the internal parts of country will be between 44-49°C, and in the mountainous regions, temperature highs will be between 32-37°C

The maximum temperature recorded on Sunday afternoon was 49.1°C in Saih Al Salem (Dubai) at 2.45pm.

The country will be affected by Southeasterly - Northwesterly winds at the speed of 15 to 25 km/h, reaching up to 35 to 40km/h at times, causing dusty and windy weather. 

Humidity will increase towards night, the NCM weather report said: "Humid by night and Tuesday morning over some coastal areas."

Relative humidity is expected to hit 85 to 90 per cent in coastal and internal areas of the country.

The sea will be relatively calm in the Arabian Gulf and in Oman Sea.