Fujairah: An auction for special car number plates was organised on Saturday by Fujairah Auctions under the supervision of the General Directorate of Fujairah Police.

The auction was held at Al Diar Siji Hotel, Fujairah, and saw a great deal of competition between punters looking for standout number plates.

On offer were 41 various single and double-figure plates, and by the end of the evening a total of Dh5.4 million was raised.

The most expensive price was paid for the number (E-1) which attracted a bid of Dh2million, followed by the number (E-8) which was sold for Dh600,000

Ahmed Mustafa Ahli, Executive Director of Fujairah Auctions, said there is a desire from a wide spectrum of the Emirati population for the acquisition of distinctive car number plates.

The auctions will be organised every two months with electronic auctions planned soon.

This was the year’s third auction.