Dubai: Jet ski owners in Dubai have until November 30 to get their marine craft registered at Dubai Maritime City Authority (DMCA), Gulf News can confirm.

According to rules issued by DMCA last year, all motorised marine craft, including personal boats, should be licensed and inspected by DMCA annually.

Though it is mandatory to register the jet skis, according to a DMCA official only 650 of these marine craft have been licensed, forcing the authority to extend the grace period.

“It is illegal to ride a jet ski or any motorised boat in Dubai without registration and a number plate. After the grace period is over, Dubai Ports Police will issue fines if they find anyone riding an unlicensed jet ski,” said the official.

He urged jet ski owners to come forward and register their vehicles even if they don’t have the ownership documents.

“We have realised that a lot of people are reluctant to come forward and register their jet skis because they don’t have the ownership documents of these vehicles. In such cases we are willing to help people get the jet skis registered after verification,” added the official.

The official also hinted that the authority is also working on a licensing programme for jet ski riders, which is likely to be out soon.