A speed radar set up by Dubai Police on Al Khail Road at the Abukhadra interchange. Image Credit: HADRIAN HERNANDEZ/Gulf News Archive

Dubai: More than 50 radars are to be installed in Dubai by the end of the year after a study into how to reduce the number of accidents.

Colonel Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, Dubai police’s deputy director of the general traffic department, told Gulf News that the new measures will include mobile radars, solar radars, fixed speed radars and digital radars.

“Radars can detect not only speeding, but a whole range of driving offences,” Colonel Al Mazroui said. “The radars spot sudden lane changing, driving on the hard shoulder and failing to stay far enough behind the vehicle ahead. Increasing the number of radars will bring increased safety on the roads.”

There are currently more than 1,000 radars on Dubai’s roads, which, according to Colonel Al Mazroui, record 12,000 fines every day.

“We are currently studying various locations and intend to place the new radars on roads where speeding is a problem, and where there are more accidents and violations taking place,” said Colonel Al Mazroui. “We aim not to collect money but to protect people’s lives.”

Dubai’s traffic violation camera system includes 3G radars, which are linked to the police control room and can take a clear photo of drivers, which is then sent directly back to the control room.

Police can also collect the pictures by USB and transfer them to the police traffic management technique department, where they are downloaded into the traffic system.

Colonel Al Mazroui said those breaking the rules will be informed of the violation via SMS and added that the radars have also helped in solving criminal cases.