Image Credit: Seyyed de L'lata/Gulf News

Dubai: Golden visa holders in the UAE can avail exclusive health insurance policies dedicated to them, with premiums starting from as little as Dh2,393 for an annual coverage limit of Dh300,000.

Saleh Al Hashimi, CEO, Dubai Health Insurance Corporation under Dubai Health Authority (DHA), told Gulf News on Tuesday: “A robust health insurance plan for Golden Visa holders ensures security and helps them plan their next five or 10 years in the UAE. It is a major pillar in their requirements to stay in the country."

Saleh Al Hashimi, CEO, Dubai Health Insurance Corporation
Saleh Al Hashimi, CEO, Dubai Health Insurance Corporation. Image Credit: Supplied

He said, "We are proud that Daman, a national company, has taken the initiative to come up with a dedicated plan for Golden Visa holders. We would like other companies follow suit, even as we will push the market to work towards such offerings.”

Unique situation

Providing details of the Golden Visa Insurance to Gulf News, Hamad Al Mehyas, Chief Executive Officer of Daman - National Health Insurance Company, said, “It is important to take into context that Golden Visa holders are not just a market segment but part of a wider initiative by the UAE to enrich the talent pool and attract the best contributors to the country. As a national company, we are proud to have supported this initiative by way of the dedicated plan which makes it easier for Golden Visa holders to choose a plan that takes into account their unique situation.”

Hamad Al Mehyas, Chief Executive Officer of Daman - National Health Insurance Company. Image Credit: Supplied

Three packages

He said Golden Visa holders can select annual coverage limits between Dh300,000 and Dh20 million per annum with a coverage network that extends from the UAE to every continent if they so choose.

According to Al Mehyas, the existing plan offers three packages: Golden Visa Core Silver where the premium starts at Dh2,393 and the coverage limit is capped at Dh300,000 in the UAE; the Golden Visa Enhanced Gold where premiums start at Dh4,985 against a coverage limit of Dh2,500,000 and Golden Visa Premier where the annual premium is Dh39,857 against a coverage limit of Dh20 million (See below).

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The three Golden Visa Health Insurance packages explained. Image Credit: Seyyed de L'lata/Gulf News

He said the plan is applicable to all categories of Golden Visa holders and their dependents. It can be customised as per the needs of the customers.

“As with any individual application, factors such as health and age will be taken into consideration when determining the final premium,” he stated.

The plans are valid for one year and can be renewed annually.

Asked if there is a separate plan available for an applicant who lives abroad but holds a UAE Golden Visa, he said, “There is no difference between the situation described and a person who lives here but is on an extended stay abroad; the policy is UAE-based (as it is issued here) and the customer is able at the time of purchase to customise the plan to include the countries he or she travels to.”

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As with any individual application, factors such as health and age will be taken into consideration when determining the final premium. Image Credit: Shutterstock

Asked if there is no basic, one-plan-fits-all package available, he said, “We have a big surprise as we are working very seriously on a state-of-the-art product that is more accessible, cost-effective and has a generous coverage. We expect to roll it out in the fourth quarter of 2022.”

How to apply

He said applicants can get the Golden Visa insurance packages by going online on Daman’s website, or through the company’s representatives by visiting its branches, or even opting for a virtual meeting via its digital branch services on the website.

“Our virtual branch – which we named in Arabic Hayakom (everyone is welcome) – is the first of its kind for insurance in the region and further supports our efforts to maintaining a customer experience that is convenient and seamless,” he said, adding, “Our digital offerings, such as our app, are simply unmatched in the UAE. You can access your claims, track approvals sent to us from your doctors, find the nearest medical facility covered in your plan etc through the app.”

Growing demand to support Islamic insurance premium growth
The plan is applicable to all categories of Golden Visa holders and their dependents. Image Credit: Pixabay

Al Mehyas said Daman has been present in the Dubai market since it began commercial operations across the UAE. “We have offered dedicated policies prior to and after the introduction of the Dubai Health Insurance Law (i.e. policies that are in accordance with the Dubai law and licensed by the DHA).”

He said, “As a national insurer, it is imperative that we continue to support the Dubai market with an ever-evolving range of plans in line with demand and market conditions. It is, after all, a global city and one of the most iconic and recognised destinations for business and pleasure. We are pleased to be able to offer a wide range of plans for individuals and business owners that takes into consideration particularities of the Dubai market.”