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Dr Abdulla Al Mandous, Director General of the NCM has been nominated as the UAE’s official candidate for the Presidency of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Image Credit: Supplied

Abu Dhabi: The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) has named Dr Abdulla Al Mandous, Director General of the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM), as the UAE’s official candidate for the Presidency of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

Dr Al Mandous is, currently, serving as the UAE’s the Permanent Representative to WMO and the President of the Regional Association II (Asia) of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

With over 30 years of experience in meteorology and climate science, Dr Al Mandous is highly regarded and well-known to the global weather and climate community. He has played a crucial role in the advancement of the UAE’s meteorological capabilities, and also made significant contributions to the development of National Meteorological Organisations of RA II (Asia) member countries.

Consolidating international status

The candidacy of the UAE’s representative for the WMO Presidency aligns with the country’s efforts to further consolidate it international status. It offers the UAE a great opportunity to enhance its engagement and cooperation with the international community to find practical solutions with long-term economic and social benefits to the region and the entire world.

“The UAE’s official announcement in support of my WMO presidency candidacy reiterates the importance the country attaches to meteorology, weather, climate and related water and environmental issues. It is a top priority for our country to ensure that it pools its expertise and human capital with other national and global organisations to accelerate the development of comprehensive early warning systems to protect lives from the impacts of natural disasters. In supporting WMO in its efforts to lead the development of cutting-edge meteorological technologies, the UAE seeks to ensure accurate and reliable climate-related data and services for the benefit of communities across the globe,” Dr Al Mandous said.

Vital role

“At a time when the world is facing multiple challenges due to climate change and the upcoming UAE’s Presidentship of COP 28 during November 2023, the candidacy of Dr Al Mandous for WMO presidency is a timely decision by the UAE given his experience and track record in leading several national, regional and international meteorological entities. He is the right choice to lead WMO into the future to ensure that the organisation continues to play a vital role in supporting the sustainable development of nations around the world,” said Shaima Mohammed Al Ali, director of international organisations at the MoFAIC.

Since assuming his role as the President of RA II (Asia) in 2017, Dr Al Mandous has chaired its key sessions & meetings and guided the activities of the Association and its working groups. He also presents the views of the Association to WMO Congress and Executive Council on regional challenges and priorities in the implementation of meteorological activities. He fast-tracked the implementation of WMO Governance Reform at ASIA.

Expert team

Dr Al Mandous, an expert on issues related to weather monitoring and forecasting, water resource management, crisis management, among others, was appointed by WMO in April, 2021 as a member of its expert team on weather modification, which functions as an international expert group under World Weather Research Programme of WMO Research Board.

WMO is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) and comprises 193 member countries and territories. It functions as an authoritative body on weather, climate, hydrological and related environmental fields within the UN system.