The facade of the the Dubai Courts. For illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Gulf News File

Dubai: An Egyptian woman has been given a suspended sentence for threatening to have two policemen sacked by complaining directly to Dubai Police Chief Lt General Dahi Khalfan Tamim.

The Dubai Court of First Instance handed the 30-year-old housewife, N.T, a one-year suspended sentence after she was found guilty of threatening the Emirati policemen.

When the defendant appeared in court, she pleaded not guilty, claiming that she did not have any criminal intention. She asked the court to acquit her or grant her leniency.

The court earlier sentenced N.T. in absentia to a year in jail followed by deportation.

However the Egyptian woman turned herself in to the Dubai Public Prosecution’s Criminal Rulings Execution Section where she requested a retrial under the Criminal Procedures Law.

Prosecutors said the defendant threatened to have the two Emirati policemen fired after they forced her to pull over because her car was wanted for 31 traffic violations.

She was also accused of using an Emirati woman’s driving licence instead of her own.

One of the policemen, 23-year-old N.A, testified that the incident happened after he saw the defendant driving a Range Rover on Al Wasl Road.

“After checking the car’s plate number, I discovered that she had committed 31 traffic violations. When she drove out of a gas station, I switched on the strobe light bar and flashed for her to stop,” he said.

“I asked her to present her driving licence and car registration. She refused saying she did not do anything wrong. When I told her I was doing an ordinary security check, she handed me a driving licence. Then I asked for any other personal identification card because the photo on the licence which she handed me did not belong to her.

“I asked for back up, A.G. [the second policeman] arrived shortly after. She told him the same thing she told me. She stepped out of her car and came to us saying ‘keep the licence with you and see what I will do’. Then she took off but we chased her until she reached her home in the Al Wasl,” N.A. claimed to prosecutors.

A.G. testified that the woman told him to remove the police patrol otherwise she would have him fired from the police.

“And tomorrow I will send a message to Dahi [Dubai Police chief] about the issue,” added A.G.

The primary judgment remains subject to appeal within one week.