Dubai: A man has been cleared of offending Islam and calling Muslims terrorists after quarrelling with his flatmate, who had asked him to reduce the music volume during azaan [call for prayer].

The alleged incident allegedly took place when the Pakistani flatmate had a heated argument with the 27-year-old Filipino man when the former asked him to lower music’s volume during azaan in October.

Citing lack of corroborated evidence, the Dubai Court of First Instance acquitted the Filipino of offending Islam by calling it a religion of terror and accusing Muslims of being terrorists.

Records said while police were checking what had happened at the flat, the 27-year-old threatened three policemen by claiming that he was connected to influential people and would do something to them.

The suspect pleaded refuted all accusations when he defended himself in court.

A police corporal claimed that they were informed about a problem in a flat at Al Bidaa area.

“We headed to the flat that was shared by a number of persons. The Filipino was the one who had called the police and claimed that he had a problem with his flatmate [Pakistani national]. At first, the suspect said his flatmate had used his belongings without permission. When we asked the flatmate, he claimed to us that the Filipino was listening to music when azaan started. He said when he asked him politely to turn the volume down until azaan was finished, the Filipino refused. The Pakistani alleged that he tried to talk the Filipino into lowering the volume before the latter cursed Islam and said Muslims were terrorists. He also claimed that he tried to tell the suspect that he had to respect all religions and rituals as well, but he [suspect] did not and cursed Islam and Muslims,” the corporal claimed to prosecutors.

When he showed up in court, the suspect asked to be acquitted of what he described as “unfounded and fabricated allegations”.

Tuesday’s ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.