Reapply sunscreen every two hours to prevent skin damage. Image Credit: Getty

People always ask what’s the one product to fix a multitude of skin concerns.

Well, the truth is that there isn’t one magical product out there. But there’s one thing that can prevent skin ageing, wrinkles, darks spots and more; and that’s sunscreen.

See also

Regular and proper usage of SPF is the best way to stop yourself from needing a whole lot of fixes later on and takes just a new minutes to put on.

But how much should you be using and what’s the best way to apply it? Here’s our explainer on how to put on sunscreen the right way.

Key points
Always put on sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure.
It is recommended that sunscreen be reapplied every few hours.
Lips can also burn in the sun, so it’s worth investing in a lip balm that contains lip balm.
Wear a hat when outdoors for long; it will give you extra protection from the sun and even prevent your scalp from getting burnt.