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“Taradi” platform addresses a broad spectrum of disputes, ranging from personal status issues such as marriage, divorce, alimony, and custody, to commercial and financial disagreements including real estate conflicts, business disputes, loans, and debts between individuals Image Credit: Unsplash

Dubai: Saudi Arabia has made significant strides in dispute resolution by introducing an innovative government platform named “Taradi”, designed to settle family, commercial and social disputes outside the court system.

Official statistics reveal a thriving use of reconciliation sessions conducted through this electronic platform, showcasing the Kingdom’s commitment to modernising and streamlining conflict resolution methods.

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In 2023, “Taradi” successfully facilitated over 117,000 reconciliation sessions, translating to an impressive average of 320 documents issued daily, or 13 every hour.

This efficiency means that, on average, a dispute is resolved through mutual consent approximately every five minutes across the Kingdom, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness and the societal embrace of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

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The Ministry of Justice, the overseeing body of the “Taradi” platform, reported that over 735,000 reconciliation sessions took place last year, with 117,000 culminating in successful resolutions.

The platform addresses a broad spectrum of disputes, ranging from personal status issues such as marriage, divorce, alimony, and custody, to commercial and financial disagreements including real estate conflicts, business disputes, loans, and debts between individuals. It also extends to intellectual property and traffic disputes, demonstrating the wide applicability of the service.

Reconciliation documents issued by the platform serve as legally binding agreements, enforceable through the judiciary in the event of non-compliance by either party. This innovative approach offers a swift and effective means of dispute resolution, contributing to the country’s broader vision of social harmony and economic stability.