The sale topper was plate number AA 13 Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) raised over Dh37 million at its 110th open auction for premium vehicle plates on Saturday.

The total proceeds of the auction, held at Grand Hyatt Dubai Hotel, reached Dh37.328 million, RTA announced on Sunday.

Show stopper

The sale topper was plate number AA 13, which was exchanged for Dh4.42 million, followed by Plate U 70, which was sold for Dh3 million. Plate Z 1000 brought back Dh2.21 million, and Plate V 99999 fetched Dh1.26 million.

RTA offered 90 fancy plates for bidding in this auction comprising of two, three, four and five-digits bearing AA-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z codes.

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By offering distinctive licensing plates at open or online auctions, RTA said seeks to provide a neutral and transparent platform that avails fair opportunities to all bidders. Such plates are appealing to passionate clients as they symbolise important events in their lives, RTA said.