SHARJAH: His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, issued Emiri Decree No. (63) of 2022 regarding the establishment and organisation of the Knowledge without Borders Foundation (KwB).
The decree stipulates that a cultural institution shall be established in the emirate under the name “Knowledge without Borders Foundation”, which shall have legal personality and full capacity to carry out the necessary legal actions to achieve its objectives and exercise its competencies, and it shall have financial, administrative and technical independence.
The decree stipulates also that the foundation would be chaired by Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, and the main headquarters of the foundation would be in the city of Sharjah, and it is permissible, by a decision of the chairperson, to establish branches and offices for it in the rest of the cities and regions of the emirate or the country.
According to the decree, the institution aims to achieve the following:
1. Contribute to achieving the country’s cultural strategy and enhance the Emirati presence in global cultural and humanitarian activity.
2. Spread the culture of reading and encourage the production, publication and distribution of books in the country.
3. Enhance communication and exchange of information and experiences between those interested in culture and publication inside and outside the country.
4. Promote a culture of understanding and dialogue between different cultures through books.
5. Encourage researchers and specialists to carry out research and scientific studies in the field of culture and publication.
6. Create opportunities for acquaintance between authors, illustrators and publishers to exchange information and develop capabilities.
The Decree also stipulates that, in order to achieve its objectives, the institution shall exercise the following competencies:
1. Draw up the general policy and setting strategic plans for the institution and present them to the chairperson to decide what the chairperson deems appropriate in this regard.
2. Propose legislation and regulations related to the institution’s work and submit them to the chairperson to decide what the chairperson deems appropriate.
3. Launch programmes and initiatives, implement campaigns and projects that encourage the practice of publishing and reading, and instill the love of books.
4. Employ all available possibilities to motivate authors, illustrators and publishers to produce books of high quality in form and content.
5. Supervise copyrights and managing the rights of authors and creators.
6. Supervise and manage cultural projects that are directed by the Chairperson.
7. Provide training programmes and workshops for workers in the field of culture and publishing to build their capabilities and develop their skills in the book industry in order to present rich publications.
8. Organise specialised events to support publishing and cultural activity inside and outside the Emirate.
9. Seek the assistance of the competent authorities in the Emirate to obtain administrative and technical support, and seek the assistance of experts and consultants in everything related to its work, and it may cooperate with other bodies that fall within its objectives and competencies.
10. Sign contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding and partnerships with entities and individuals related to their work inside and outside the Emirate after being approved by the Chairperson.
11. Any other functions assigned to it by the Ruler of Sharjah or the Chairperson.
According to the Decree, the institution shall be managed by a manager appointed by a decision of the Chairperson and assisted by a sufficient number of employees, and shall exercise the following powers:
1. Propose the institution’s general policy and programmes and supervise their implementation.
2. Lay down strategic plans that ensure the development of work in the institution and present them to the Chairperson for approval.
3. Supervise the workflow of the institution in accordance with the applicable legislation and regulations, issue administrative decisions and circulars, and follow up on their implementation.
4. Coordinate with the chairperson in all administrative and financial affairs of the institution and general policies, and when making strategic decisions for the institution.
5. Issue the financial and administrative regulations of the institution and any amendments thereto, and set the internal work systems in it after being approved by the Chairperson.
6. Represent the institution in local, regional and international conferences and meetings.
7. Open and manage financial and commercial bank accounts after the approval of the Chairperson.
8. Form permanent and temporary committees and work teams affiliated with the institution and define their terms of reference and work system.
9. Prepare the annual budget and final account of the institution and present them to the Chairperson for approval.
10. Represent the institution in signing of contracts, agreements, memoranda of understanding and partnerships after being approved by the Chairperson.
11. Propose the institution’s organisational structure and submit it to the Chairperson for approval.
12. Represent the institution before the courts, governmental and private entities, and in its relations with others.
13. Any other tasks or powers assigned by the Chairperson.
According to the decree, the financial resources of the institution consist of the following:
1. Government support.
2. The institution’s own revenues as a result of carrying out its activities.
3. The proceeds of investing the institution’s funds.
4. Any other resources approved by the chairperson.
The decree also regulates all the final provisions related to Knowledge without Borders, and the Emiri Decree No. (2) of 2011 and Administrative Resolution No. (2) of 2011 are repealed.