Best friends forever. Rodney Nixon with Bani, a trained service dog that follows him wherever he goes. Below: Bani proved to be a huge hit with guests at the K9 Friends’ annual puppy ball at the Raffles Hotel in Wafi recently Image Credit: Abdel-Krim Kallouche/XPRESS

DUBAI A Dubai model-cum-actor who suffers from panic disorder says he relies on a service dog to keep his nerves in check.

Bani, a four-year-old Saluki, has been with her American owner Rodney Nixon for over three years. Her constant presence around Nixon has a calming effect on him. “Bani is trained in basic and advanced obedience, public access and task performance. Whenever I get anxious she senses it and starts distracting me. She puts her head on my lap or leans against me to calm me down. In a crowded place, she stands in front of me to create a physical boundary from other people so I don’t get a panic attack,” said Nixon.

Company of comfort

“She has also helped me tremendously while travelling in planes. I would always have anxiety attacks before flying and would resort to popping in prescription meds to calm my nerves. Now with Bani around I no longer get nervous about flying. She sits by my feet in the plane and if she senses that I am becoming anxious, she puts her head on my lap to calm me down,” said Nixon.

Service or guide dogs are allowed to travel on commercial flights with their owners. Rodney and Bani have travelled together to over 12 countries.

“Flying has now become a great experience for me. In fact, on a recent flight we had a lot of fun as the cabin crew treated Bani like a celebrity. They brought her a blanket to lie on, gave her snacks and toys to keep her busy through the flight. They also took turns to click pictures with her. Some passengers thought there was a celebrity on board but it was just Bani,” he said.

But adulation is not new to her. On May 1, Bani got lots of attention when she accompanied her owner to the K9 Friends’ annual puppy ball at the Raffles Hotel in Wafi.

“She was not specifically invited to the event. But Rodney was a guest and the Raffles Hotel recognised the need for a service dog to come along with him. We cleared all approvals with the hotel before getting her inside,” said a volunteer at K9 Friends.

“People simply loved her as she is a very social dog. She was a big hit at the ball,” said Nixon.

Bani has her own passport and has travelled extensively around the Middle East, Europe and USA. “Bani has a great spirit and enthusiasm for life. She knows that as long as we have each other, we have a home no matter where we are,” he added.