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His Highness Shaikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, Image Credit: Twitter

Moscow: His Highness Shaikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, has been named the Arab world’s most influential leader 2019, Russia Today TV (RT) has announced.

Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed received 9.74 million votes, accounting for 68.6 per cent of the total votes, in an RT poll with 14 million respondents.

King Abdullah II of Jordan, Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, and Egyptian President Abdul Fattah Al Sissi, are also the 2019 list of the most influential Arab leaders.

The newly-elected Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and new Tunisian President Kais Saied are also on the list.


The selection of Shaikh Mohamed Bin Zayed as the most influential Arab leader comes in recognition of his leading initiatives in the history of humanity that contributed to the spread of a culture of tolerance and peace in the world, defusing and mitigating a number of crises.

His initiatives also contributed to standing against extremist ideologies.

Human fraternity

Among these initiatives is his patronage of the Human Fraternity Document that was signed on February 4, 2019 in Abu Dhabi, and his personal intervention to ease tension between India and Pakistan more than once during last year.

He also played a pivotal role in the signing of the "Riyadh Agreement" between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council on November 5, 2019.


The prestigious title also recognised Shaikh Mohamed’s mediation that led to defusing Africa's longest-standing conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea in July 2018.

The world stands as a witness of the success of Shaikh Mohamed's vision in establishing peace and stability in the region and the world at large.

UN Secretary General António Guterres praised Shaikh Mohamed for his patronage of the Human Fraternity Document, and his keen interest in providing all the support for the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity and overcoming difficulties in performing its work independently, in order to achieve human fraternity and promote a culture of tolerance and coexistence among human beings.

Aside from his prominent role in peace-making and entrenching stability, tolerance and coexistence in societies, Shaikh Mohammad is also known for his initiatives aiming at halting conflicts and crises between countries.

He has always sought to help conflicting parties to arrive at a reconciliation, in quest of achieving world peace, ending bloodsheds and preserving humans.