Engineer Eman Al Jallaf, Director, Purchasing and Contracts Department, DHA Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has achieved a milestone in the field of integrated projects for the smart transformation of purchasing and contracts operations.

In addition to increasing efficiency and reducing suppliers’ time and effort, this transformation has eliminated the use of 250,000 sheets of paper and reduced the number of suppliers’ visits by 7,500 visits per year. 

Engineer Eman Al Jallaf, Director of the Purchasing and Contracts Department, stressed the importance of the results achieved by the smart purchasing initiative and the integrated applications of intelligent transformation of the automation projects and its role in raising the efficiency and accuracy of all procedures related to the purchasing process. 

DHA is one of the first Dubai government bodies to tie the process of registration of suppliers with the Economic Department in Dubai, linking the purchasing and contractual process, from the purchasing request to payment through the system.    

Raising efficiency

Al Jallaf said this system has reduced the purchasing cycle by 27 per cent. This raised the efficiency of work and increased supplier satisfaction by 7 per cent, as they no longer have to make as many visits to DHA’s headquarters to finish their procedures.

Such procedures include receiving the hard copy purchase order, paying for tender fees related to service and projects tenders, submitting the hard copy of the tender offer and performing supplier registration and renewal. 

Modernisation drive

The projects contributed to the modernisation of 28 activities within the main operations of the department through the process of re-engineering operations and in line with the intelligent transformation of operations, and the application of the best standards of governance and transparency to all procurement and contractual processes. 

Furthermore, the transformation resulted in a paperless digital system eliminating the use of 250,000 sheets of paper a year. This reduced the cost of purchasing and contractual operations by 12 per cent (by an estimated Dh350,000) by reducing archiving, paperwork and its related logistics costs. 

Training users

More than 85 internal workshops were conducted to train users on the system. 
DHA previously launched a number of projects related to the activation of the process of selection and evaluation of tender offers in the Tijari system for managing tenders to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the purchasing process.

The authority has also applied advanced procurement systems for registering and qualifying suppliers electronically and evaluating their performance in line with the requirements and standards of the Dubai Government Excellence Programme and applied the contracts module related to the full cycle of service and projects contracts. 

In addition, the authority implemented Smart Mazad, a mobile application to manage the bidding process.