The UAE has consistently supported the political process and efforts to achieve national consensus towards forming a government and will continue to support all efforts aimed at achieving security in Sudan and enhancing its stability and prosperity until a ceasefire is secured, she added. Image Credit: WAM

Abu Dhabi: The UAE on Sunday denied that it was supplying arms and ammunition to any of warring parties in Sudan.

Afra Al Hameli, Director of Strategic Communications at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has expressed the UAE’s categorical refutation of the claims and allegations made in a media outlet.

The UAE has not supplied arms and ammunition to any of the warring parties in Sudan since the outbreak of the conflict in April 2023.

Moreover, Al Hameli reaffirmed that the UAE does not take sides in the current conflict engulfing Sudan, and seeks an end to the conflict and calls for respecting Sudan’s sovereignty.

Immediate ceasefire

Dr. Anwar Gargash, Diplomatic Adviser to the UAE President, has reiterated the UAE’s unwavering political stand that calls for an immediate ceasefire and intensifying efforts to arrive at a political resolution that lays the ground for a transitional government and general elections.

In a statement on “X” app, Dr. Gargash said: “Listen to the UAE and do not listen to what some want to say. The UAE’s statement is clear and unambiguous – we are not involved in Sudan and do not supply arms to any party involved in the fighting there. Our political and humanitarian priorities are focused on achieving an immediate ceasefire and lays the ground for a political resolution that leads to a transitional government and general elections."

Al Hameli earlier stressed that since the beginning of the conflict, the UAE has called for de-escalation, a ceasefire and the initiation of diplomatic dialogue, through bilateral and multilateral fora alongside its partners.

The UAE has consistently supported the political process and efforts to achieve national consensus towards forming a government and will continue to support all efforts aimed at achieving security in Sudan and enhancing its stability and prosperity until a ceasefire is secured, she added.


Furthermore, Al Hameli underscored that the UAE continues to monitor the humanitarian situation affecting the Sudanese people and its impact on neighbouring countries.

The UAE seeks to provide all forms of support to alleviate humanitarian suffering, and has operated an air and sea bridge providing approximately 2,000 tonnes of medical, food and relief materials for the most vulnerable groups, including the sick, children, the elderly, and women.

The UAE also built a field hospital in the Chadian city of Amdjarass in July for those in need of medical care, regardless of nationality, age, gender or political association.

The hospital has successfully treated 4,147 cases. Moreover, Al Hameli noted that the UAE inaugurated recently a coordination office for UAE foreign aid in the Chadian city of Amdjarass.