191201 Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Image Credit: WAM

  • Hamdan bin Mohammed issues a decision appointing members of the council headed by Sultan Al Mansoori
  • Coordination with the private sector to raise the percentage of Emiratis working in the vital and strategic sectors in the emirate
  • Ensure the alignment of Emirati students’ education outcomes with the requirements of the labour market in Dubai within the strategic priority sectors
  • Expand the tasks Dubai Government Human Resources Department” to include setting plans and strategies to develop Emirati human resources, raise Emiratisation rates, and develop and plan human capital.
  • The Knowledge Authority is responsible for refining the outputs of education, qualification and training and linking education institutions to the labour market in Dubai in support of the goals of the new council
  • The Council establishes a reference to represent the authorities concerned with the development of Emirati human resources in the private sector in Dubai and contributes to confirming its attractiveness to Emirati cadres

Dubai: In an effort to enhance the process of development and upgrading the Emirati human resource development system, and raise the level of participation of Emirati cadres in various vital and strategic sectors, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, in his capacity as Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Decree No. (27) of 2021 on Saturday forming the “Emirati Human Resources Development Council in Dubai”.

Its membership includes representatives from the government and private sectors, and in a manner that contributes monitoring the implementation of plans and policies and programmes aimed at developing, developing and employing Emirati human capital in the private sector, and measuring the extent of progress achieved in their implementation.

In implementation of this decree, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai issued Council Resolution No. 21 of 2021 appointing the Chairman and members of the Emirati Human Resources Development Council in Dubai, headed by Eng. Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri, and three members, one representative for each of: Emirates NBD, Emirates airline and Al Futtaim Group. The representatives of the board members will be nominated by their officials, and the job level of each member is not less than the rank of an executive director or similar.

The council aims, in accordance with Decree No. (27) of 2021, to create a reference body representing the authorities concerned with the development of Emirati human resources in the private sector in Dubai, and to ensure that there is an attractive and stimulating environment in it to attract Emirati human resources, and to ensure that the educational outputs of Emirati students are aligned with the requirements of the labour market.

The decree defined the competencies of the Emirati Human Resources Development Council in Dubai, the most important of which are: drawing strategic directions for the development of human resources for Emiratis in the private sector, setting strategic plans to achieve the objectives and desired results from the formation of the council, as well as defining action plans, proposing and reviewing policies and legislation that ensure the achievement of objectives desired by the formation of the council or that affect the development of Emirati human resources in the private sector.

The council is also responsible for coordinating and cooperating with employers in the strategic sectors in the private sector to raise the percentage of Emiratis working in them, setting and developing programmes and policies supporting this.

Increasing engagement

The concerned authorities, in addition to developing orientation programmes for Emiratis to increase the rate of engagement and participation in the labour market in the private sector, coordinating with the concerned authorities to provide appropriate job opportunities, and adopting and developing initiatives, projects and programs related to the rehabilitation, training, employment and development of Emirati human resources in the private sector, according to best practices. The international community, preparing studies and research, submitting proposals, and issuing bulletins and statistics, which help in drawing up strategies for the development and development of Emirati human resources.

Tasks of the Department of Human Resources of the Government of Dubai

The decree defines the tasks of the Department of Human Resources of the Government of Dubai, most notably: updating the human resources development strategy for Emiratis and Emiratisation strategy, human capital development and planning, manpower planning and human capital employment by exploring the needs of the labour market and strategic sectors at the emirate level. The Human Resources Department also undertakes the tasks of studying and proposing amendments to social and civil service policies in coordination with the concerned authorities, and studying and proposing amendments to work policies and regulations in the emirate.

The functions of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority

The decree detailed the functions of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, which will be in charge of refining the outputs of education, qualification and training, by linking with educational institutions and the labour market in the emirate, and in a manner that contributes to enabling the council to achieve its goals and carry out the functions entrusted to it.

The authority’s tasks also include preparing the necessary studies to harmonise the outputs of education with the needs of the labour market in coordination with the concerned authorities, developing academic and professional guidance programs and policies for Emirati students, submitting them to the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai for approval, and working with higher and vocational education institutions and training institutes to ensure the availability of academic and training programmes required for qualifying Emiratis working and entering the labour market, and developing programmes that support their joining these institutions in coordination with the Dubai Government Human Resources Department.


The decree obligates individuals and entities, including educational, vocational and training institutions and private sector institutions, to cooperate fully with the UAE Human Resources Development Council, and to provide it with the data, statistics, information and studies it requests, which it deems necessary to enable it to achieve its goals.

The Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai shall issue the necessary decisions to implement the provisions of this decree, and any provision in any other legislation shall be repealed to the extent that it contradicts its provisions.

Decree No. (27) of 2021 and Dubai Executive Council Resolution No. (21) of 2021 shall be published in the Official Gazette, and they shall come into force from the date of their publication.