Abu Dhabi: A 42-year-old German tourist on a ship coming from Oman had a nervous breakdown when the ship doctor told her that she is suffering from internal bleeding and needed to be admitted to a hospital urgently.

Brigadier General Pilot Ali Mohammad Al Mazroui, director of the airwing department at the general secretariat of deputy prime minister's office and Minister of Interior said that the coast guard got a report of an emergency in a European boat carrying tourists from Oman to Bahrain.

The ship was one hour away from land. The critical challenge for Emirati authorities was that the ship, which carried 2200 tourists of multi European nationalities, had no helipad.

Therefore, the helicopter had to hover above the boat while a rescue operation took place.

A rescuer abseiled from the helicopter, boarded the boat and retrieved the German tourist, who was placed on a stretcher before being taken aboard the helicopter.

She was taken to Al Qasemi hospital where she was treated and then discharged.