A Dubai Police review meeting underway. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: The General Department of Punitive and Correctional Institutions has provided financial assistance worth Dh6,570,399 to inmates in 2022.

These numbers were revealed during the annual inspection carried out by Major General Dr Abdul Quddus Abdul Razzaq Al Obaidli, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Excellence and Pioneering Affairs, when he was accompanied by Brigadier Marwan Abdul Karim Julfar, Acting Director of the General Department of Punitive and Correctional Institutions, and other senior officers.

Maj. Gen. Al Obaidli praised the initiatives and humanitarian aid that the department has carried out in 2022, which include granting monthly allowance to inmates’ families, paying tuition and housing rents, covering medical treatments for both inmates and their families, settling debts and blood money for inmates, providing travel tickets, and covering expenses on special occasions such as Ramadan and Eid.

Maj. Gen. Al Obaidli also hailed the department’s efforts to provide 7,190 services to inmates and members of the public, including issuing certificates and permits for visitations from families, consuls and diplomatic bodies to follow up on their citizens’ cases.

He also reviewed the statistics of the Education and Training Section, which carried out 30 training courses in 2022.