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UAE Public Prosecution Image Credit: WAM

Abu Dhabi: The UAE Public Prosecution has released a short film across its social media accounts explaining the penalties for altering images of other people to offend or defame them.

According to the video, Article 44, Items 2 of the Federal Decree-Law No 34 of 2021 for combating rumours and e-crimes, those found guilty can be sentenced to imprisonment for a duration of not less than a year and /or fined a sum of not less than Dh250,000 and not more than Dh500,000.

Whoever uses an electronic information system or means of information technology to make any alternation to a recording, an image or a scene for the purpose of defaming another person is liable for action.

The post is part of Public Prosecution’s continuous efforts to raise awareness about the legal boundaries one must operate within the country.