The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi has temporarily closed down two healthcare facilities. Image Credit: Supplied

Abu Dhabi: The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi has taken decisive action by temporarily closing two healthcare facilities following a series of violations that posed significant risks to public health and safety. The department’s healthcare quality team conducted an inspection, leading to these closures, as well as investigations into financial misappropriation.

One of the affected facilities, a medical centre, has been shut until further investigations are completed. The violations in question involved discrepancies in the recording and documentation of medical procedures, examinations, interventions, and treatment in patient records. These actions were carried out with the apparent intention of misappropriating public funds. Additionally, the facility failed to adhere to departmental circulars, policies and regulations, including obtaining proper patient consent for treatment, explaining treatment procedures and associated risks before implementation, and using an unauthorised facility name, not in compliance with Department of Health - Abu Dhabi regulations.

The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi further revealed that a doctor associated with the medical centre has been suspended from work, pending the outcome of the investigations into these violations.

In a separate move, a day surgery centre has also been temporarily closed due to serious violations that posed a grave threat to the health and safety of the community. These violations included the centre’s failure to adhere to radiation protection standards, provide necessary radiation protection equipment for both staff and patients, and maintain and calibrate medical devices appropriately. Moreover, the facility was found to be in breach of approved training protocols for its personnel.

Healthcare quality inspectors from the department also identified multiple violations at the day surgery centre related to standards and regulations for infectious disease prevention. These breaches included violations of federal laws concerning infectious disease prevention, disregard for the department’s head’s directive to use the electronic reporting system for infectious disease cases among both staff and patients, and non-compliance with infection prevention measures and requirements.

During the inspection, it was found that the facility did not adhere to standards and procedures for handling hazardous materials, proper medical waste disposal, and policies for building and vital systems maintenance. The centre also failed to comply with fire safety procedures approved by the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi and the Abu Dhabi Civil Defence Authority.

The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi has called on all healthcare facilities operating within the emirate to strictly adhere to the department’s standards and regulations. This adherence is vital to ensure the efficiency and integrity of the emirate’s healthcare system, thereby safeguarding the health and safety of all members of society.