On July 31, Leila Ismail from Dubai, will journey to South America where she'll volunteer at an orphanage in Peru for 23 days.

“I'm really nervous. I don't know what it's going to be like. But the organisation has been really good at keeping me updated with the trip and project,'' Ismail said.

The 28-year-old will help care for children and teenagers aged 5 to 17 at the Hogar de Cristo orphanage in Lima, Peru.
The goal of the childcare programme is to provide individual attention and assistance to children from difficult backgrounds.

Into the future

“It will be a valuable and gratifying experience,'' Ismail said.

“It's a joy to help the less fortunate, especially when they're vulnerable kids who have no family. If they're not looked after and nurtured, I don't know how the world is going to shape up because they're the future.''

Ismail has wanted to do some charity work for a long time and after researching for nine months, she came across a volunteer website, International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ).

Based in New Zealand, IVHQ is a non-governmental organisation that provides safe and affordable volunteering opportunities abroad. She'll be among 20 volunteers from Europe, America and other parts of the world, divided between two cities in Peru — Lima and Huancayo.

These people can volunteer between two weeks and up to one year, Ismail said.

During her stay, she will work at the orphanage, which is run by Kuyay Sonqo, a Peruvian organisation working closely with IVHQ.

Kuyay Sonqo's main goal is to help orphans, single mothers, poor people and the elderly.

“I'll be teaching, playing games and cleaning. I'll do whatever they need me to do,'' said Ismail, who will also learn Spanish for two hours per day.

Hogar de Cristo comprises three sections: one for about 40 orphans, mostly street children and teenagers, another for orphaned children with special needs and the third one for about 20 abandoned older citizens.

“I will be mainly working with the children; however if they need my assistance in the senior citizens' home, I'll spend time there too,'' Ismail said.

Although she has never travelled to South America, she has already seen many parts of the world.

Born in Somalia, Ismail grew up in Egypt and Kenya and has lived in Dubai for 15 years, where she works at Bareface Production as a senior booker in the cast and kids division.

Her responsibilities include casting models and setting up bookings for photo shoots, TV commercials and films. She's also travelled around the Middle East and to several countries in the Far East, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and China.

In Lima, she'll be staying with a host family where she doesn't expect to have access to a computer or the internet. “I'll take lots of books with me because there won't be a lot of entertainment at the orphanage and the house,'' she said.

Money matters

To participate in the programme, Ismail is required to pay for her air ticket to Lima (Dh9,600) in addition to a fee of Dh2,348, which will cover the cost of accommodation, meals, orientation, programme placement and volunteer-support services.

According to a letter from IVHQ to Ismail, “many volunteers find their impact is even more profound if they take some fundraised/donated money to invest in projects being undertaken by the local NGOs and communities with whom they are working.''

Ismail has been raising funds for her trip to Peru. She also hosted an event sponsored by Bareface at the Alpha Club recently and all the proceeds from the sale of the tickets (Dh75) went to IVHQ.

The special event featured a DJ and a fashion show previewing the Splash Summer 2009 Collection. Neither the DJ nor the models were paid.

In addition to Barefoot's contribution of Dh1,000 towards her efforts, Ismail even sold clothes and other items at the Dubai flea market for Dh2,500. So far, she's raised about Dh10,000 but is still looking for donations.

To contribute to her trip and for more information, contact Ismail at leila@bareface.com