Shenzhen:  Team Abu Dhabi will have to wait until today to try and kick-start their ambitions of winning the UIM F1 World Championship in Shenzhen, China.

Super typhoon Megi has been positioned in the South China Sea over the last few days and a revised race schedule was only given the final go-ahead early yesterday.

This meant that all teams and officials faced a race against time to construct the race paddock, infrastructure and logistics for today's Grand Prix of China and yesterday was used as a setting-up day and time for team registration and scrutineering.

The decision on whether to hold the Shenzhen race had been in limbo right until early yesterday, because of the close proximity of the weather system. UIM and government officials met on Friday and postponed the decision until the 11th hour.

Trainers had been moved to higher ground as a precaution in case of tidal surges and all personnel were left on a one-hour holding call in case the situation improved.