Yoga, Virtual Event
Image Credit: Supplied

Nature lovers in the UAE can now continue their quest to protect nature and make a positive tangible impact on the world, from the comfort and safety of their homes. New virtual experiences launched by the Connect with Nature programme offer expert guidance on reducing waste and conserving water while at home, as well as exciting activities to stay physically and mentally fit. Youth can discover new plant-based recipes, keep active with nature-inspired workouts and explore new ideas through online podcast parties and virtual debates.

Participation in virtual experiences are free and open to all youth in the UAE. Check out the full line-up at the Connect with Nature activities hub, and keep an eye out for new additions every week. Popular activities include:

These home-grown heroes will be selected based on meaningful action around environmental conservation and sustainability which can be tracked through the Connect with Nature programme. Future ambassadors will have exclusive access to mentorship and skills-building opportunities.

The calendar of activities kicked off at the beginning of April with a Virtual Youth Circle around the topic ‘Unexpected Ways we are Connected to Nature’, an UpCycling Your Plastic Bags workshop and Zero-waste talk, all of which were engaging and well attended. Below are a few of the upcoming events in the calendar – with lots more in the pipeline.


Notice Nature 12 Day Challenge

Bring nature back into your life with tips and ideas on how to connect with nature from the safety of your home

When: Ongoing

Pod Party

Tune in to a podcast party on recovering from Covid-19 and becoming stronger in our fight against climate change.

When: Saturday April 18, 2020 from 3pm to 4pm

Water Conservation Diary

Explore new ways to save water around the house in this 14 day challenge… start by turning off the tap while you wash your hands.

When: Starts Monday April 20, 2020

Virtual Debate

Share your opinions in an online debate, complete with a virtual presenter and live audience.

When: Wednesday April 22, 2020 from 6pm to 7.30pm