Malabar Gold & Diamonds has unveiled their exclusive jewellery collection coupled with some incredible offers to usher in the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. Akshaya Tritiya is a period where the retail jewellery sector in the UAE sees a massive hike in sales owing to the belief prevalent amongst Indians that buying gold jewellery during Akshaya Tritiya will usher in prosperity.
The exclusive collection of jewellery that the brand has unveiled presents jewellery lovers with an enthralling array of designs in gold, diamond and precious gem jewellery. The special designs have been made available across a wide range of Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ exclusive brands such as Mine, Era, Precia, Viraaz, Ethnix and Divine, comprising of 22k gold, diamonds and precious gem jewellery. The brand has also introduced an exquisite collection of contemporary designs in 18K gold, ensuring that the ever-varying jewellery requirements of their immense customer base are satisfied. Be it for daily wear, office wear or occasional wear, Malabar Gold & Diamonds has you covered.
Adding further value to your jewellery purchase, the ‘Golden Gift’ offers that Malabar Gold & Diamonds has launched ahead of Akshaya Tritiya gives customers the opportunity to get free gold coins on purchase of diamond and precious gem jewellery. You can also exchange your old jewellery purchased from anywhere without any loss for the latest collections from Malabar Gold & Diamonds. Furthermore, additional offers such as no making charges on 8g gold coins as well as special buy counters offering incredible discounts on selected jewellery designs across their showrooms in the UAE will certainly make this Akshaya Tritiya a sparkling one. ●
"During Akshaya Tritiya, the retail jewellery sector in the UAE sees a massive rise in sales activity as many Indians believe in buying gold jewellery on this auspicious occasion to usher in prosperity in their homes. While gold prices remain volatile, the myriad of offers that Malabar Gold & Diamonds has introduced this season, such as assured gold coins on purchase of gold and diamond jewellery, exclusive jewellery collection with the latest designs in gold, diamonds and precious gem jewellery, gold rate protection, and other offers, has resulted in customer footfalls and sales exceeding expectations leading up to Akshaya Tritiya.”