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With its latest Patrol, Nissan does go all out on the 'all-new' side of things. The first deliveries in the UAE is scheduled for November. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: The all-new Nissan Patrol – some would say the most popular SUV in the UAE – will be ready for delivery to their new owners starting November. This is the seventh generation of the model, with Nissan having sold more than 2 million of these worldwide. The previous generation version was launched in 2010.

The latest model, which features extensive makeovers on the outside and in the interior, had its global launch Tuesday in the UAE, with the top brass from Nissan in attendance. The anticipation of how different the latest avatar of the Patrol will be had been building up in the weeks leading up to this day.

Bookings have opened for the Patrol in the the UAE, Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle East region, with prices starting $65,000. (The previous generation had prices starting from Dh210,000.)

The seventh-gen version goes all in on the V6 and dropping the V8. 

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Nissan didn't hold back on padding up the Patrol's interiors. And that infotainment screen sure grabs the attention. Image Credit: Supplied

Initial bookings for the new one are nothing short of a wave, say the local dealer, and there are no surprises there.

While delivering more power, the new model also does it bit to be In keeping with the times through increased fuel efficiency parameters, according to a top official with Nissan Middle East.

“We have gone for completely new design cues, making sure it embraces the best aerodynamics available,” said Thierry Sabbagh, Divisional Vice President, President Middle East, KSA - Nissan, INFINITI. “That helps in getting more power out of the vehicle.

“We have a completely new adaptive air suspension, which will create improved fuel efficiency for the highways. And for the interior, we have brought in a complete advancement in infotainment, with a 28-inch screen.”

There are two new powertrains, one of which is a 3.5-liter V6 twin-turbo, promising 425hp and 700nm of torque. “This is a 7 per cent increase in power and 25 per cent boost to the torque,” said Sabbagh. “All that alongside a 24 per cent higher fuel efficiency," said Sabbagh.

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As an off-roader, Nissan Patrol has earned its spurs. And it can do the highways too, with Nissan promising higher fuel efficiency too. Image Credit: Supplied

“Since 2010, when the previous all-new Patrol was introduced, the powertrain technology has had a great breakthrough. We wanted to ensure that the engines we put into the new Patrol are not just the latest, but the most powerful and have the best fuel efficiency.”

On when the new Patrol would come with the higher performance Nismo badge, Sabbagh preferred to not to mention any dates as such. But when the Nismo iteration does appear, chalk up another round of brisk demand for it.

“We know how strong the Patrol name is in these markets,” said Sabbagh. “And the desirability that accompanies it.”

A three-way race for UAE's SUV leadership

Apart from the Patrol, the top end of the SUV market in the UAE is heavily contested by the Land Cruiser, also sporting the all-new tag, and the Range Rover. "It's a tight race in this category and quite difficult for any other model to get a look in," said an auto analyst. "That the new Patrol won't have a V8 did surprise, but there's still a lot going for it."