Meshal Al Marwani, an amateur camel breeder from Al Bawadi, shared the emotional moment when the camels recognised him from afar and ran to embrace him Image Credit: Videograb

Dubai: A reunion between a camel herd and their owner, Meshal Al Marwani, has captured the hearts of viewers across the Gulf region.

Meshal Al Marwani, an amateur camel breeder from Al Bawadi, shared the emotional moment when the camels recognised him from afar and ran to embrace him after he returned from a brief stint abroad.

The camels’ affectionate gesture has stirred widespread admiration for their deep connection with their owner.
The reunion was particularly special as it occurred after just nine days apart, while Al Marwani attended a course in Britain.

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The clip, which quickly went viral on social media, has been widely circulated among Saudi bloggers and viewers in other Gulf and Arab countries, eliciting a flood of reactions.

Al Marwani, who wore a suit from his training course instead of his traditional Saudi attire, responded to the outpouring of love and comments on TikTok, Twitter (formerly X), and Snapchat.
Camels hold a place of high regard in Saudi culture, where they are not only beloved companions but also participants in races and beauty contests with significant financial stakes.

The kingdom has taken steps to ensure their welfare, including tagging them with electronic chips containing detailed information about their health and ownership, and establishing dedicated hospitals and care centres.