“Nothing has changed, and the family received me and welcomed me,” Sarah remarked. Image Credit: Source: Al Watan newspaper

Dubai: A heartwarming video has captured the emotional return of Sarah, a former Filipino worker, to Riyadh after 21 years to attend the wedding of the child she helped raise.

The video shows Sarah reuniting with her former employers, celebrating the enduring bonds formed during her 16 years of service with the family.

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In an interview, Sarah expressed her joy at returning to Riyadh, saying, “I was in France when Mama Noura told me that Musab will get married, and I told her that I should come and be next to the family with whom I worked for 16 years, Baba Abdul Rahman and Mama Noura.”


Since her absence from Riyadh, Sarah has married an American and travelled around the world over the past decade.

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However, her affection for the family remained unchanged. “Nothing has changed, and the family received me and welcomed me,” Sarah remarked.

Noura bint Saleh Al Arifi, Sarah’s former sponsor, shared her sentiments on the reunion, saying, “Everyone, especially my brothers, was very happy because Sarah came despite the distances.”