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Illustrative image. Image Credit: Shutterstock

Dubai: Algerian security forces have arrested a person who is suspected of threatening to bomb the Saudi embassy in Algiers, Saudi and Algerian media reported.

The embassy is said to have received a phone call on Wednesday evening from an individual who directly threatened to blow up the embassy. The embassy immediately alerted the Algerian authorities, who acted swiftly and apprehended the suspect.

According to Algerian state TV, the suspect’s identity has not been disclosed, and the individual will undergo medical and psychological tests before being charged with the crime.

It is not yet clear what motivated the threat or whether the individual acted alone or was part of a larger group.

In a statement released after the incident, the Saudi embassy expressed its appreciation for the prompt and effective response of the Algerian security forces.

It highlighted their dedication and commitment to safeguarding the embassy and its staff from harm and bringing the perpetrator to justice. The embassy also commended the efforts of the Algerian authorities in resolving the situation.