Priyanka Kumari, a newly-wed bride takes the test in Jharkhand soon after her wedding while her new husband waited for three hours outside the testing centre Image Credit: Social media

Patna, India: A groom kept waiting for his just-wed wife for three hours outside an examination centre in Jharkhand state as the latter was busy taking examination. 

The groom had to wait for his bride to take her home since the examination date came just after the wedding was over.

The wedding of Priyanka Kumari was solemnised with Anirudh Kumar Sharma in a very happy atmosphere in Dhanbad town in Jharkhand on February 18 and the bride's family was ready to see her off when someone told the groom that her examination was scheduled on that very day.

Local media reports have it that the bride's family didn’t inform the groom's side thinking they may, perhaps, not allow her to sit in the examination just after the marriage.

But all their fears were proven wrong.

Once the groom came to know about his bride’s examination, he straightway took her to the examination hall in his car and waited outside the examination hall until the test was over, family members said.

Once the bride was done with the test, the groom took her back to his in-laws and it was only then that girl’s parents saw her off.

Talk of the town

The incident has now become a talk of the town.

“I was not thinking of my examination and had thought I was going to miss it but thanks to support from my husband, I appeared for my Bachelor of Education test. I am very happy now,” the bride told the media.


A similar incident had taken place early this month in Bihar when a female examinee rushed to the examination centre to write her papers at the just-concluded class 12 examination barely four hours after she had delivered a baby boy at the local hospital, with her newborn in arms.


The examinee had developed labour pain just before her examination was to start and everybody thought she would miss it for sure but such was her fascination for education that she rushed to the exam hall soon after her delivery, ignoring warning by the doctors.