Dubai: Many motorists said they tint windows of vehicles more than the permissible 30 per cent.

Gulf News yesterday reported that police would confiscate vehicles if tinting was more than the permissible limit.

Bushra, an employee and a mother of two, said she has 100 per cent tinting on her car because she was troubled by men driving on the roads, as they start following the car or annoy the driver while driving.

"I used to have 30 per cent tinting and many times I was chased by men who followed me from my house until my workplace. Thirty per cent tinting was not enough at all, I therefore applied 100 per cent tinting," she said.

Bushra said she will keep the tinting as it is and does not know what she will do if police pulls her over for excessive tinting.

Anwar, who also owns a tinting shop, said he has tinting on his car because he does not want his wife to drive in a car with light tinting.

"My shop is next to my house. Therefore, I do not use my car often but my wife does and I do not want her to get harassed by other motorists on the roads," he said.

Sana Mohsen, a housewife, said she has 80 per cent tinting on her car and although she does not like it, she cannot take it off.

"In summer time especially I feel hot when I get into my car, so I take off my scarf, especially at night time because it is dark and nobody can see me from outside the car," she said.

See through

Fahad Al Rahma, a government employee, said he has 30 per cent tinting on his car, while he has 50 per cent tinting on his family's car.

"I have 30 per cent on my car to abide by the permitted limit, but even with the 50 per cent tinting on my family's car, it is easy to make out who is in the car, which is the criteria of tinting. It is important to make sure that you can see and can be seen through tinting," he said.

Hessa Mohammad, a government employee, said she has 50 per cent tinting on the side windows of her car, while she has 100 per cent on the rear window.

"I cannot drive without tinting on my car and 30 per cent is not enough because some men will start following and annoying you on the roads which may also distract attention and cause accidents," she said.

Hessa said like everything else in the world, tinting, too, can be considered good and bad at the same time.

"I think it depends on the person and the way they use it. For example, I lower my car windows at night if I cannot see but I cannot take out tinting from my car," she said.

Ahmad S., owner of a car tinting and accessories shop in Deira, said he cannot ask customers to apply 30 per cent tinting only.

"All customers who come to us know that it is illegal to apply more than 30 per cent tinting but they do it anyway.

"I cannot ask them to apply [it] less if he or she wants more but sometimes I do advise some young girls and boys to apply less tinting, especially if they are new drivers," he said.