Saadiya Saadat, Managing Director, Secondpass Global Image Credit: Supplied

Secondpass Global is a highly specialised immigration firm focusing on second citizenship and residency by investment programmes. With the head office based in Dubai and partner offices across 20 countries, it offers clients global reach to latest investment opportunities as they arise.

The firm’s established and well-respected developers, best lawyers and excellent government relations make it the obvious choice for all citizen and residency needs. Being a boutique operator, Secondpass Global works closely and at the lowest of costs to bring the best second passport/ residency solutions for unique personal and/or family needs, helping its clients become proud global citizens.

In this time of uncertainty, there is no better time than to plan for a second home to secure the future of your family and next generations. Sitting in the comfort of your home, let Secondpass Global guide you and deliver a one-stop service solution for your family and business future. With years of experience and a 100 per cent success rate, rest assured that your wealth is in safe and secure hands.

For individuals with means and the will to look at better opportunities, several exciting options exist. Secondpass Global understands the pain of belonging to a third-world country and endlessly applying for visas just to travel or belonging to the first- world country and being taxed exorbitantly or for that matter, not even having a legal travel document such as a passport. One need not be restricted by these limitations anymore as there are many legal and straightforward ways and means to obtain a second passport for you and your family. Secondpass Global is on board to advise, guide and hand- hold you every step of the way. Secondpass Global offers all five Caribbean passports (Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis) in three to four months or Vanuatu passport in as little as two months. It has helped many families acquire their European passports (Cyprus and Malta) and New Fast Track Passports of (Turkey & Montenegro). Sometimes the second passport requirement is not that urgent and more of a long-term family plan.

Secondpass Global understands that and offers the best global programmes to suit your needs, whether these be EU residencies such as Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Spain, Malta or the UK or even the US.