Abu Dhabi: The number of patients complaining from bronchitis and upper respiratory infections (URI) as a result of changing weather conditions has risen to over 40 per cent in the past two months, doctors say.

Bronchitis is a condition that often follows a respiratory infection and/or a slight cold which results in the inflammation/infection of the lungs. Symptoms include a cough accompanied by yellowish-grey or green mucus (sputum).

Dr Roshan John, Chief Physician at Lifeline Hospital affirmed that acute bronchitis disappears within a few days.

However, patients between ages 13 to 35 have experienced bouts of bronchitis that could result in asthma or chronic bronchitis.

"The same viruses that cause colds often cause acute bronchitis. But you can also develop non-infectious bronchitis from exposure to your own or someone else's cigarette smoke and even from pollutants such as household cleaners and smog, which is more common among younger people, because they comprise the chunk of the working population," said John.

During the past two months 40 per cent of Dr John's patients suffered from bronchitis and 50 per cent from URI (an infection caused by a virus affecting the nose, throat, sinus and ears).

Dr Asha Suresh, a general practitioner at NMC Hospital and Dr K.K. Hedge, a paediatrician at NMC Specialty Hospital have received nearly 6,000 patients in the past two months mainly complaining from bronchitis and respiratory infections.

"Patients mainly suffer from gastro-enteritis, bronchitis and asthmatics... We receive up to 300 patients a day, half of which suffer from bronchitis and upper respiratory infections," said Suresh.

Do you face health problems due to a change in weather? Does it force you to stay at home? Or do you go outside regardless?