Dubai: The Ministry of Health yesterday announced a list of approved medical centres in Sri Lanka and Indonesia for medical tests.

"The names of the approved medical centres are continuously updated based on the recommendations of the executive office of the GCC Health Ministers' Council," said Dr Ebrahim Al Qadi, director of Preventive Medicine Department.

Expatriates coming to the UAE for work have been asked to first get their medical tests done in their home countries to save time and expense.

Al Qadi said the medical certificate obtained from the country of origin must be original. All documents must carry the original signature or stamp of the medical centre and the stamp from the embassy of the United Arab Emirates in that country. All certificates and check-ups must be issued from the approved updated list only, it added.

The pre-tests are also done to reduce or prevent the arrival of any communicable or infectious diseases to the country.

The Ministry of Health will also put the names of the approved medical centres abroad on its website.