Invest UAE
Invest UAE helps businesses discover strategies to thrive Image Credit: Shutterstock

The day-long Gulf News Invest UAE seminar gets under way today at Taj Dubai, Business Bay, featuring panelists and speakers from leading free zones, business set-up experts, and taxation and auditing professionals. The seminar focuses on the UAE's thriving business environment, aiming to support both budding entrepreneurs and established enterprises in driving growth and exploring new opportunities.

Thanks to government support, strong infrastructures, and streamlined business operations, the UAE has become highly attractive for entrepreneurs and foreign investors looking to establish and expand their companies. Notably, the UAE has risen three spots to secure seventh place in the IMD World Competitiveness Ranking 2024. In another study, the UAE ranked second in green-field FDI project announcements in 2023, after the US, according to the UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2024. Last year, the UAE attracted $30.688 billion in FDI inflows.

“The UAE, with its strategic location and proven track record of weathering crisis situations, like the pandemic, has established itself as an ideal investment destination. Its resilience, stability, and robust infrastructure make it a prime hub for global businesses,” says Ismail Al Naqi, Director General of Free Zones Authority of Ajman.

UAE's resilience, stability, and robust infrastructure make it a prime hub for global businesses.

- Ismail Al Naqi, Director General of Free Zones Authority of Ajman

By facilitating swift and hassle-free company formation, Ajman Media City – participating at Invest UAE as Platinum Sponsor – supports businesses in tapping into the vast opportunities offered by the UAE. “Its innovative approach ensures that businesses can start operating almost immediately, contributing to the UAE's reputation as a top choice for investors worldwide,” Al Naqi adds.

Free zones drive investment and trade

The UAE’s extensive network of free zones, catering to diverse sectors, plays a crucial role in shaping its investment landscape. Leaders from prominent UAE free zones will be present at Invest UAE and share their thoughts on how SMEs, start-ups, and international companies can capitalise on free zone benefits and foster growth.

RAKEZ would leverage the Invest UAE platform to connect with potential investors across diverse industries, showcasing set-up solutions to businesses of all sizes and scales.

- Ramy Jallad, Group CEO, RAKEZ

Silver Sponsor of the event, RAKEZ offers a wide range of tailored company formation packages to suit the needs of all clients.

“RAKEZ provides a fertile ground for new entrepreneurs to set up their base with a minimal investment, allowing them to live in the UAE while exploring the market. We also have cost-effective solutions aimed at specific sectors,” says Ramy Jallad, Group CEO, RAKEZ, adding, “RAKEZ would leverage the Invest UAE platform to connect with potential investors across diverse industries, showcasing set-up solutions to businesses of all sizes and scales.”

Invest UAE
Image Credit: Supplied

A platform for knowledge sharing

From addressing corporate taxation issues, common business formation and legal challenges to exploring new opportunities, the seminar – with a line-up of panel discussions and fireside chats – focuses on identifying and addressing critical pain points that impact both new ventures and established companies.

Speakers and panelists eagerly anticipate exchanging insights, discussing market trends, and networking with attendees and industry professionals. They look at leveraging their experience and expertise to drive forward the UAE’s investment landscape to new heights.

At Invest UAE, our company aims to maximise its presence by showcasing our comprehensive business solutions and in-depth market expertise.

- Neelam Sharma, Managing Partner, Neeja Corporate Services

“We will engage in targeted networking sessions, one-on-one meetings, and panel discussions to build meaningful connections with potential investors,” says Neelam Sharma, Managing Partner, Neeja Corporate Services.

“At Invest UAE, our company aims to maximise its presence by showcasing our comprehensive business solutions and in-depth market expertise,” she adds.

Our company plans to leverage its presence at Invest UAE through a strategic approach designed to connect with potential investors and demonstrate our value in the tax and accounting services sector.

- Sahil Mehta, CEO, Shuraa Tax Consultants and Accountants

Shuraa Tax Consultants and Accountants, Silver Sponsor of Invest UAE, looks forward to showcasing its range of tax services and conducting live demonstrations at the venue, apart from sharing insights on tax regulations and trends during panels.

“Our company plans to leverage its presence at Invest UAE through a strategic approach designed to connect with potential investors and demonstrate our value in the tax and accounting services sector,” says Sahil Mehta, its CEO.