Tasnim Hassan Image Credit: FRANCOIS NEL/Gulf News

Dubai: The outlook on the exposure to branded items and clothing can be seen from a different perspective by youngsters. Some youngsters adhere to brands for the purpose of trendsetting among their peers, whereas other youngsters use such labels due to their quality and their own brand loyalty.

The challenging and dynamic society of today demands you to be distinctive by imprinting what you carry and wear in order to be successful. Brands give us an opportunity to showcase our true image and because physical appearance is now more critical than ever.

From a positive outlook, technology and social media have done wonders in terms of spreading the word! I see standing out and yet belonging as a unique quality where people like us can blend into anything — call it being united or an individualist.

A win/win outlook is what keeps us on the edge at all times! The ‘cool about cash’ outlook merely depends on how you are tailored to be, but it is true that my generation does not understand the value of cash.

Money does have value, but its importance cannot be compromised by the environment and society we live in today from my point of view. Believing in your own self is the foremost aspect to changing the world.


-Tasnim Hassan, second year student, Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus