Dubai: A lawyer argued on Thursday that his client did not molest a woman but he was extremely-exhausted due to excessive workout when he leaned on her in an elevator.

Prosecutors accused the 36-year-old Indian engineer, M.Q., of sexually molesting the Egyptian women by groping her breast in the elevator.

M.Q.'s lawyer Saeed Al Ghailani contended before the Dubai Court of First Instance that his client did not have any criminal intention and did not molest the 44-year-old Egyptian woman.

"My client had worked out excessively on that day. He was totally dead beat and fatigued… he was swaying out of exhaustion when he lost balance and leaned accidentally on the woman and held to her breast. He lacked have any criminal motive when he held on to her in order not to fall in the lift," Al Ghailani defended in courtroom four.

"It is a general conception that sports refreshes a person and not otherwise," said Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad when he intercepted the advocate.

"Your honor, that's true. But it is also medically known that excessive sporting causes fatigue. It may also stop the blood from going up properly to the head and hence cause someone's death. This is what happened two months ago with Salem Khamis Saad, a renowned Emirati footballer who exerted top-heavy effort and died on the pitch. I asked a number of doctors who confirmed that to me as well," replied Al Ghailani.

He further defended that his client did not have any intention to molest the woman.

"Needles to say, that had he had such intention, why would he molest the woman and not any of her two teenaged daughters who were present in the lift? And what urges M.Q. (a married man and a father) to molest a woman in a lift full of four females," defended the lawyer.

The Egyptian woman claimed that she was in the lift with her two daughters and sister-in-law when the suspect molested her in the elevator of the building where her brother lives.

Records said the daughters informed their dad about the incident.

Al Ghailani further argued in courtroom four that the claimant's husband and brother came and brutally beat his client.

"Had he done that intentionally, he would have run away and not waited to be beaten… yet seriously he was fatigued and didn't do that purposely," added the lawyer.

Al Ghailani told Presiding Judge Abdul Jawad that when the husband and brother realised that M.Q. did not have any intent to molest the woman, they apologised for beating him and dropped the complaint against him. A verdict will be heard on December 26.